Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

How to Eliminate Black Eyes Ring In Eye

Here is how to remove dark eye circles using a cucumber on the eyes:
1.    Slice cucumber into thin layers and paste them on your eyes for a moment.
2.     If the method is not powerful enough, you can grate the cucumber taste and mix with grated carrots and milk powder. Then stir until evenly distributed.
3.       Then store it in the fridge for about 15 minutes so cool and fresh effect.
4.        Once cool enough, apply in circles around the eyes (careful - careful not to get in eyes) and set aside some time.

Dark eye circles are sometimes very annoying, because it appears in a circle around the eye area so that it is often times referred to as panda eyes. The dark circles usually appear because the eyes are too tired to work and did not have enough time to rest, other causes also is because of stress, anemia and dietary patterns that are too tight.

Use cucumber for the face is very convenient, because it creates a sensation of cold in the face while wearing the grated cucumber. although only temporary chill after first affixed to the face. In addition to using the way that there should be steps you need to do in order to dark eye circles may be lost, such as adequate rest in order to fit the condition of the body and eyes.

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